The Arabic word “muraqaba” means “to practice observation,” “to guard someone” or “to take care of someone.” In Islamic spirituality, it is a particular form of meditation that involves one’s mental awareness of breathing and inner state in a very focused and alert manner to the divine. Muraqaba represents a tremendous way to cultivate mindfulness, boost self-reflectiveness, and ensure the shift of attention to the divine realm. It actually is a mind training method aimed at being more conscious and focused which results in life with more clarity, purpose, and focus.
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The Origins and Significance of Muraqaba
Muraqaba is derived from the Quranic verse: “So, let yourself be reminded through humbleness and fear of your Lord and do not try to be showy by talking; rather, in the mornings and the evenings ask yourself often Allah.” (7:205) This verse explains that one must keep on doing the remembrance of Allah inside the heart and mind even when not formally worshipping or speaking devices.
Muraqaba is another term that comes into being with the concept of ihsan, which, too, is considered by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as “to worship Allah as if you see him, and if you do not see him then he sees you”. (Bukhari and Muslim) Ihsan is at the high level of faith where you strive to perfection of your actions and intentions and do that Muraqaba is a way to achieve ihsan by having a continuous visualization of Allah, aloof and within the mind.
Muraqaba is a spiritual discipline that had been used by many famous Muslim scholars and mystics, such as Imam al-Ghazali, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Imam al-Haddad, and has been used by Sheikh Ahmad al-Rifai. Muraqaba itself is one of the chapters they have written most about (on its methods and benefits), and the spiritual states (experiences) caused by it is the central matter of that specific chapter. Muraqaba is an essential element of Sufism, or Islamic mysticism, through which a worshiper endeavors to purify his heart from material desires thereby seeking closeness to Allah.
The Benefits of Muraqaba
Muraqaba has many benefits for both the individual and society. Some of these benefits are:
- Through muraqaba, the practitioner is able to direct his/her mind to the present moment where self-awareness is achieved. Mohammed Iqbal once said that the ultimate reality lies in self-knowledge through direct experience (the journey within). Through mindfulness practice the person will realise that he is more focused on his thoughts, feelings, actions and the surroundings. This practice makes him feel not distracted by his past regrets or future worries. Mindfulness too, if cultivated, aids in the unfolding of stress, anxiety, and depression in oneself as it allows one to watch them pass without dwelling or holding on to any of that.
- Because muraqaba boosts self-awareness which is actually the capacity to uncover our inner strengths and weaknesses, intentions, objectives, value and truly know ourselves. Developing consciousness enables everyone to look within, take the steps needed to be a better version of oneself, make sound choices, relate well to others, and arrive at our full potential. Knowing ourselves more deeply also gives us that extra bit of honesty with both ourselves and others, and acceptance of our (few) weaknesses and shortcomings.
- muraqaba, actually, draws us more into the inmost essence of God, which is the greatest source of all kindness, mercy, love and serenity. By realizing Allah’s presence and His attributes within our hearts and minds, we enhance the bond with Him and we become able to re-evaluate His blessings as well. A further phenomenon which evolves within us is the eminence of the Lord’s commands and bans, that we will be becoming ready to please Him and comply with His commands. Spiritually also we are raised who in turn become humble, thankful for his goodness, and become optimistic for his forgiveness.
- Muraqaba develops spiritual growth, i.e. the state in which man is able to communicate with Allah and ultimately attain His pleasure. Consequently, we will be able to cleanse the hearts from profane attachments and aspirations, and to glow with spiritual radiance and love. In addition, we become well acquainted with Allah and His names and attributes, and that results in better faith and reaffirmation of our belief. We also attain spiritual feelings that include peace, of jollification, fullness, with reverence, fear, and in love and reliance on Allah.
How to Practice Muraqaba
Murqabah is a type of worship that can be carried out in any place and any time as long as one meets its conditions, which is having ritual purity and the intention to please Allah. Nevertheless, it is better to seek for a quiet and secluded spot, that could be in the morning or the evening, when the mind is less distracted and more open will be helpful.
– Sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight and your eyes closed.
– Take a few deep breaths, and relax your body and mind.
– Focus on your breathing, and observe how it flows in and out of your nostrils.
– Visualize a point of light or a spiritual symbol at the center of your forehead, which represents the divine presence within you. This visualization helps to focus your attention and deepen your connection with Allah.
– As you continue to breathe and visualize, recite silently or audibly a verse of the Quran, a name of Allah, or a supplication that resonates with you. For example, you can recite “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest), “La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no god but Allah), “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum” (O Ever-Living, O Self-Sustaining), or “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban-nar” (Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire).
– As you recite, be mindful of the meaning and implications of what you are saying, and try to feel the emotions and sensations that they evoke in you. For example, if you recite “Allahu Akbar”, feel the awe and reverence for Allah’s greatness and majesty; if you recite “La ilaha illa Allah”, feel the love and devotion for Allah’s oneness and uniqueness; if you recite “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum”, feel the trust and reliance on Allah’s life and power; if you recite “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban-nar”, feel the hope and gratitude for Allah’s bounty and mercy.
– As you meditate, become more aware of your inner state and begin to notice any thoughts or feelings that arise. Rather than getting caught up in these distractions, simply observe them without judgment and return your focus to your breathing, visualization, and recitation.
– Continue this practice for as long as you can, ideally for at least 10 minutes. You can gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable and proficient.
– When you finish your meditation, thank Allah for the opportunity to remember Him and seek His pleasure. Make dua for yourself and others, and ask Allah to accept your muraqaba and grant you its benefits.
Muraqaba is a spiritual discipline that can provide mindfulness, self-awareness, compatibility with God, spiritual growth, inner peace and harmony with other people. This way helps us to try train our minds by being aware and yet present in Allah’s remembrance and his presence in our thoughts and hearts. Through recurring muraqaba we will enhance the quality of our life of this world and the hereafter too.
For more information, visit 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation
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