Python is Being Overhyped: Debunking the Hype

It must be acknowledged that Python is one of the most common and widely used programming languages in the world; and for proper reasons. This is quick, user-friendly, and can handle complex issues too. Nonetheless, it is not an ideal language, and that why is has its limitations and disadvantages. This article will highlight the different Python myths and untruths, and why you should learn not to obsessively believe in the hype.

Python is the best language for everything

Reality: It is important to understand that Python is a general-purpose language that can be used for many applications, but not necessarily the best tool to use with any problem. For example, Python is not a good pick for a low-level programming of operating systems or embedded systems. It is an interpreted language, that means it runs slower, than compiled languages. Python, in addition, is not the perfect framework for a high-performance computing like scientific simulations or machine learning because it has a large footprint and a global interpreter lock which limits concurrency. Effectively, Python is for prototyping, scripting, data analysis, web development, and bridging between many languages, but it is not the only solution to every problem.

Python is easy to master

Reality: Python is simple to begin with but, nonetheless, it becomes complex with the advancement of skills. Python has a very clean and easy to read syntax. It is expressive as well as containing many features that are not significant without years of experience under one’s belt. For instance, Python encompasses a variety of programming paradigms including object-oriented, functional, and procedural ones, which to some extent is specific to its own best practices and pitfalls. Python also has the dynamic typing system which at the same time may be quite convenient but also actively poses various risks and bugs. Python is a language that promotes learning through trial and error, however, not without the necessity of applying discipline and rigor as the programmer crafts clean and readable code.

Python is the future of programming

Reality: Python is a strong and well established language which has been around more than 30 years, and its status will not diminish but rather rise in the years. Nevertheless, it is not the only language and this language is not holy, it’s open to defeat and improvements, too. Besides Python, there are some other languages that are growing or developing including Rust, Go, Swift, Kotlin, Julia and TypeScript languages, that provides more opportunities or advantages and may have some trade-offs over Python. In summary, Python is not the sole programming language currently available, but rather one of the many options for programmer to select from.

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If you want to learn python, it is advisable to explore Coursera,

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